WINNER: Robert Pattinson
If you had told me at the beginning of this year that I’d ever write Robert Pattinson’s name under Best anything (except perhaps ‘forgotten’), I’d have laughed in your face for minutes on end – especially after I’d seen Bel Ami – but Cosmopolis proves that behind the vacancy of Edward Cullen lurks a much darker side, and a surprising, intelligent, actor. Pattinson’s Eric Packer is more a vampire than his Twilight character; feeding off the lifeblood of the world, but hiding from its light in a coffin like limo . There’s a sense of total dislocation from the world and from people, reflected in Cronenberg’s imagery, but very present in Pattinson’s work. However, there’s complexity too; an evolution scene by scene as Packer trashes his own life bit by bit, coming closer to engaging in the world as he does so. It’s the slow cracking of that mask that is so remarkable in Pattinson’s performance. I just hope that – unlike Hayden Christensen after Shattered Glass – Pattinson seeks out more challenging work, because here he’s a revelation.
To read the whole review go here
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