“Cosmopolis” Makes #2 Spot In Top 10 Best Films Released In 2012 List

2. Cosmopolis exposes most millennial concerns of identity, apathy, physical vs. meta value, telecommunications and sexual dissatisfaction during a 24 -hour traffic jam created by three equal physical events: the arrival of the president into a city, an Occupy Wall Street-esque protest and the funeral procession for a recently deceased celebrity. Eric Parker (Robert Pattison) is in a traveling wi -fi hotspot: his limousine. He is the creator of a financial analysis system that traces monetary rate movements by fractions of fractions of a second, these fractions make Parker rich and most likely the cause of a pre -reactionary panic that causes economic collapses. At 28, he’s old at this game now, and thus in a state of deep reflection. Because the dialogue is mostly lifted directly from Don DeLillo’s highly literate source material, Cosmopolis has a lot of ideas, only a fraction of which might register on first viewing. But because it’s DeLillo, it is also very funny. And because it’s directed by David Cronenberg, every limo stop feels threatening; both Cronenberg and the cast (particularly Sarah Gadon as Parker’s old-money wife and Kevin Durand as his security) understand that DeLillo’s satire is best served in monotone.


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